Saved Contacts
Donald looked up at the fixture. The bulb to the left was threatening to fail. He sighed and dropped his head to the phone, making a...
Unpaid Emotional Labor
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Payment can be made by not watching those horrible podcasts and getting therapy to...
Emotional Parlay
“So, how did you end up in here?” Jihad almost didn’t hear the question. The voice was low, and the hum of the AC almost drowned it out....
“There he go.” Charley motioned toward the door and Harvey took a quick glance to see Glenn walking towards them. He was a little later...
Work Husband
The pain burned in his left knee and made its way towards his shin as Travis cursed himself for not remembering to close his bottom...
Dear Giannis...
Dear Giannis, I’m sorry. I got so caught up in Chris Paul making it to the Finals and the game 1 performance, that I counted you out. I...
It Was Just the Other Day...
Ten years is usually a long time. However, it seems like just yesterday when we had our first discussion about marriage, then we decided...
Movin' In
“Yo, D, answer the door please?” Even with his head stuck beneath the kitchen sink, Jerel could hear the doorbell, how Daron could be in...
Morning Tea
“I thought you were booked all day Lisa?” It wasn’t as much of a question as much as it was an observation. Kira always found ways to...
I’m listening. I’m listening. That’s what she said whenever there was a lapse in the conversation, or she wanted him to talk. It started...